Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chelsea's 8th grade Promotion

Chelsea promoted from 8th grade. Now she is a FRESHMAN! Way to go Chelsea. We are so proud of her, Chelsea is a beautiful young lady. She is a great helper around the house, loves to do things her sisters and family, and is a happy, smiling girl. Watch out high she comes!
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Porter Prodigies II said...

She is one beautiful girl! Cograts on her promotion, she will do well in high school.

Flip flop Queen! said...

Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I would love to getyou in contact with the special angel blog for mothers who have lost a child. I am so sorry for your loss, your angel is beautiul! As is your family.Send me your email address and I will get you in contact to be a part of the angel blog! I you ever come to Mesa let me know, I would love to meet you.

Sending Love,