Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to make a CUPCAKE!

1st get a Cupcake Maker for Christmas!

and take everything out of the box

Choose your favorite kind of cake
and pour into bowl

Add right(important) ammount of water

Stir with all your strength...don't smile!

Pour mix into CUPCAKE holder (with
the disposable paper)

Set CUPCAKE into microwaveable dish!

Microwave for the 45 seconds...or less if you
want the CUPCAKE in one piece

See what is left of the CUPCAKE

Get ready to frost CUPCAKE

Scoop frosting into little hole on the "froster",
this goes on the CUPCAKE machine

Hold top down, and watch frosting
squirt EVERYWHERE!!!

Enjoy what there is of the frosting

End resutls:

CUPCAKE machine that
doesnt' work(they never do, and don't
tell that to the kids)

Quality "few minutes" with your child

Priceless memories, with a satisfied, happy
child who did almost everything on their own!

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cturley said...

Hey they look pretty good. Ask Courtney if she'll make one for me.

Aunt Tiff said...

SO cute!!! I loved my easy bake oven and it never worked either!! But it is all about the memories!

The Lowes said...

Those toys rock the house don't they! Courtney, I'm going to have to start calling you "Betty" Crocker that is!