Wednesday, October 1, 2008

School Days

Chelsea going to Jr. High...8th Grade! (wow, she is growing up fast)

This Year scCh00l came A liTtlE too soOn for me. I rEally enjOyed my SumMer...beIng Lazy, slEepiNg in, sWimMing, goinG to the ValLey aNd jusT spenDing Time with my Girls!
I do hoWever, liKe beIng Back on a r0utine, Having the girls in Bed before nine, SeeiNg the
Girl in theIr vaRiouS scHool acTivitEs & waTchiNg thEir fun, Beautiful peRsonaLities DeveLop. So heRe are The girLs' 1st dAy of School.(the post is a little late, but someday I will catch up)Courtney going to 2nd grade...she loves her teacher!


The Lowes said...

"Orange" you glad there is school to give us a tad bit of sanity? I love, love, love school except for 2:30 when they come home and homework creeps out of the backpacks!

charmort said...

Cute girls. They are looking so OLD!!! Love the orange.